SAM’s Switzerland took a bold decision to host the 1st International Health congress (IHC) on Integrative Oncology in Geneva, which gathered some 36 experts from around the world who shared their expertise either in the field of research or their practical work with patients. This important congress was aimed at promoting the approach to Ethical Patient care and Sustainable Health with a focus on alternative medicine in order to complement & assist existing healthcare institutions & professionals in their daily practice, in line with the UN SDGs 2030 goals.
Congress 2019
About our Congress 2019

This congress was extremely well received by the participants as it has enabled to initiate an international integrative thinking to health and in particular to cancer, one of today’s major Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) concerns. We hope that this very first initiative will pave the way to more and more of those programmes at regional level and across the globe.
It was indeed a great joy and pleasure to have such a dedicated group of speakers in Geneva from 28-30 June, 2019 at the World Council of Churches. We are happy to have been able to cover various approaches on integrative oncology in different sessions and to have been able to attract some 150 participants from around 13 countries representing the academia, the private sector, association of therapists, patients, etc. To find out more about the congress, several of the sessions were recorded and live streamed on Facebook during the event. They can be accessed on SAM’s page and please do feel free to circulate it to your network : Facebook
Also, to give you a feel of the spirit and atmosphere of the congress, you are invited to visit
As a result of this great congress, we would like to inform you that all the papers of our speakers will form part of a handbook, and which will be disseminated to faculty of medicine and academia worldwide. For more details on our previous congress, please review here our congress brochure.